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Monday, March 10, 2008

Kidnapped children

The other day I saw an episode with Dr Phil about this 16 year old American girl that met a then 20 year old Palestine boy Abdullha. The girl tried to go to see him but F.B.I manage stopped her in Jordan. When she turned 18 she had the legal right to go to see her Internet love. She had been in Palestine for 2 weeks and the Family got Dr Phil to help them. I never seen such load of crap. Dr Phil who normally try to be objective was putting an angle to the show, out of this world. The message was clear, if you are American BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID from being involved with an Arabic man. There where never any proof of this Abdulha's bad intentions that Dr Phil and the family tried to make the audience believe he had. Today I read about the Swedish man having to go to USA to hire a private eye to help find his daughters kidnapped by his American wife or what I guess now is former wife. Because the police in USA wont help him. Finally the F.B.I was involved but that made things worse according to the man, since they treated him as a terrorist. Today the Father and his daughters were reunited and back in Sweden. To clarify for you reader that assume this was an Arabic man, NO it is a Swedish man with a Swedish bloodline.

I urge any American to look at your country, don't you see that there is something serious wrong with it? The bad picture your media is giving you about other country's you almost certain can find in your own backyard. What gives your government the right to influence minority's in other sovereign country's to rebel against that country and help those people by bombing that country. What gives your government the right to start a holy was against another country on false statement and pure lies. Just because that you the people see on it's propaganda news and you American swallow the propaganda as easy as the Germans did in the Hitler heydays.

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