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Friday, February 29, 2008

What is Freedom?

What is freedom?

The country using this word freedom more than any other is the country that calls them self The land of the free. How come then that 1% of the grown up population in USA are in jail? USA is the country with most people in jail, 2.3milion out of a population of 230 million. That is something seriously wrong with that. The 2'nd country with this statistics are China, 1,5 million people in jail but then we should not forget the population in China over a billion so that just say even more about how "free" USA is. It is a shame that we the rest of the world are so influenced by this evil power of the world. Sometimes one wonder what Europe is thinking about , I mean it is said you can only destroy what you create.... Maybe it is time for us to turn our eye's somewhere else for partnership in the world and let loose of the greed for that wealth we think is so beautiful. I am sure should Europe build up good relations with the east, with Africa and South America we would be far better off and that would probably force the evil in USA to surrender. I know most of the people of USA are wonderful persons that want the best for all people of the world but with the political structure they have they are being tricked in being numb to the evil doing of their country.

God bless America (they sure need a blessing)

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