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Saturday, February 23, 2008


What the hell do the world think they are doing? It is illegal and wrong to acknowledge Kosovo as an independent state. USA should be punished for all their illegal act's to Serbia, Irak how they impose false accusations on Iran and North Korea and many other countries.

It is sad to see how we people in the west are polluted by the junk culture from USA, how we get numb in our thoughts for watching shitty programs like survivor, Idol, Big Brother or any other of all those sitcom's, Oprha etc etc. We care more about who is the next American idol than to find the truth what is going on in the world. We accept all wrongs that are made so we won't waste any time and risk miss today's episode of another TV show.

All people knowing the truth about Kosovo just close their eye's and hope for the best. They know what have been done is wrong but do not do a damn thing about it. For you who have no clue read this article that will give you a true picture than that what your news on TV will give you.

People in west should stand up and protest our government's illegal actions instead of accepting it and go home to get the latest Big Brother.

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